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An imprimatur, also called “nihil obstat” is an official declaration on behalf of the Catholic Church hierarchy that a literary work is free of errors related to catholic doctrine and moral, and thus is authorized to be read by the catholic faithful.

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Revelations for each moment in History

Throughout history, God has chosen faithful instruments such as His prophets, to bring His Word to all mankind and through them He announces, denounces and above all loves...


Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, Our Queen and Mother do not cause you to fear, but alert you so that you possess knowledge and not stay asleep in sin. The prophets transmit the Word of the Father’s House so that you stay prepared at this instant: if they did not alert you the contrary would be the case, because the events would arrive and find you asleep, and Divine Love does not want that for Its children.

Saint Michael the Archangel, 04.30.19

The Canons of the Catholic Church on private Revelations:


The decree of the "Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" was published in the "Official Acts of the Holy See" (A.A.S.) 58/16, dated December 29, 1966. Articles 1399 and 2318 of Canon Law are abrogated by this decree. This decree of abrogation was approved on October 14, 1966 by His Holiness the Sovereign Pontiff Paul VI, who at the same time ordered its publication.

This approval by the Holy Father took place during an audience with His Eminence Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect for the "Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith". The decree was made in Rome, November 15, 1966, and bears the signature of:


A. Cardinal Ottaviani, Pro-Prefect

B. Pietro Párente, Secretary

The decree took effect three months after its publication, on March 29, 1967.


Canon 1399


Canon 1399 prohibited by right, the publication of certain books such as those dealing with revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles. ON MAY 29, 1967, SAID CANON WAS REVOKED. Therefore, this means that as far as these publications are concerned, the prohibition has been lifted from its obligation to ecclesiastical law.

Therefore, this means that Catholics have permission without imprimatur or Nihil-Obstat, or other permission, to make publications about revelations, visions, prophecies and miracles. Of course, these publications cannot endanger the Faith or Morals. This is the general rule that every Catholic must follow in all his actions, even as reported, especially reporters. IT IS ALL THE MORE REASON TO ALLOW CATHOLICS TO VISIT APPARITION SITES, EVEN THOSE NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE ORDINARIES OF THE DIOCESE OR BY THE HOLY FATHER, SINCE CATHOLIC VISITORS WHO VISIT OR FREQUENT THESE SITES MUST RESPECT FAITH AND MORALS. However, they are not subject to any ecclesiastical discipline, nor for their public prayers. Permission is required only for the celebration of Holy Mass or any other religious service.


Canon 2318


Canon 2318 carried punishments against those who violated the laws of censorship and prohibition. THIS CANON HAS BEEN REVOKED SINCE 1966. ECCLESIASTICAL CENSURE CANNOT BE INCURRED BY FREQUENTING PLACES OF APPARITIONS OR THOSE WHICH ARE NOT RECOGNIZED BY THE ORDINARIES OF DIOCESES OR BY THE HOLY FATHER. Also, "those who have incurred censure dealt with in Canon 2318 will be absolved for the facts of abrogation of this Canon" - Cardinal Ottaviani.

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