God's Instrument
Luz de Maria
"The Lord's great love never ends, and his compassion is never exhausted. Every morning his kindnesses are renewed; great is his faithfulness!" (Lam 3,22-23)
God is present at every stage of human history, He has intervened on behalf of mankind since Creation and will accompany us on our journey back to the Father's House, guiding us according to His Divine Will through His true instruments, the prophets. The Word of God says: "The Lord God does nothing without communicating it to His servants the prophets" (Amos 3,7).
Thus, in this stage in the history of Salvation, God, faithful to His Word, has chosen Luz de Maria as His Prophet, more than 25 years ago, to transmit the Divine Word to this generation.

The prophetic vocation of Luz de Maria has been accompanied in her life by a strong experience of God, manifested since her childhood and during which, the Divine Presence has been constant, generating in her a deep personal conviction of a Divine selection for a special mission, for which she must be willing to be guided and formed, being aware of the commitment and dedication which means such a great responsibility.
The Message that Luz de Maria receives is a Divine Call where Love, Mercy and at the same time Divine Justice prevail, considering the explanation of prophecies contained in the Old and New Testament, revelations of future events, many of them a consequence of the misuse of man's free will and others, acts of mercy of God for the salvation of humanity.
Luz de Maria is chosen to transmit the great revelation of the Invocation of the Queen and Mother of the End Times, given so that humanity may recognize in the The Most Holy Virgin Mary, the Woman who will conquer evil and crush the head of the infernal serpent and chain it so that it will not seduce men again, besides also being the Most Holy Mother who welcomes with Motherly Love each of Her children, protects, defends and guides them by Her Hand towards Her Divine Son.
Currently and without rest, Luz de Maria continues her arduous work of transmitting the Word of God, assisted at all times by the Holy Spirit. Thus, around the world she gives conferences, visits countries and constitutes cenacles of formation and spiritual growth so that the Word of God may reach all the ends of the Earth and bear fruit in abundance.
Prophetic Mission
The word prophet is Greek and means: “speak in the name of...”. Therefore, the name prophet clearly indicates the mission of these men: it is the prophet who speaks in THE name of GOD; it is their living voice in the midst of the people, to remember the promises between God and his people, to straighten out and correct. It therefore has two purposes; to announce and denounce.
We are not just referring to the Prophets of the Old and New Testaments, but in the present time, in which there is so much confusion and crisis of faith, God raises Prophetic instruments to continue guiding His People.
This is how, at this moment in human history, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the The Most Holy Virgin Mary speak to His children through a prophet:
This prophet is Luz de María, chosen by God for this mission...
My loving instrument, Luz de María, is a prophet of these last instants. Though it doesn’t mean she knows everything, only the coming events that I allow her to know, but not the dates of the events.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, 11.05.2014
God explains His Word to this generation:
"I Am who I Am" (Ex. 3,14) and I do not deceive My children. My Holy Spirit continues giving life, enlightening, guiding My People and especially My faithful Instruments.
My Word is sealed in Sacred Scripture, but I will continue giving the explanation of My Word as a "land flowing with milk and honey", so that souls might not be lost out of ignorance. I entrust My Word to My Prophet to convey it to My People, just as I preach it to her.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, 11.03.2016