Divine Decree
"... he who humbles himself will be exalted..." (Mt.23,12)
At this moment in the history of humanity, Our Lord Jesus Christ shows us His Mother as She is and reveals to us on May 13, 2018, the Will of the Holy Trinity to designate the The Most Holy Virgin Mary as Queen and Mother of the End Times, to be "the Woman who will crush the head of the serpent"... (Gen 3,15).
On May 13, 2018 Our Lord Jesus Christ designate this Invocation in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity.
My Mother, worshiper of our Trinity, lover of her children is and will be for all eternity Queen and Mother of all creation. My Mother is worthy of all the titles that Our Divine Will attributes to Her. By the Will of the Father He granted Me Her Virgin Womb as a home and to grow in Her love, so that through My Mother I might love you with infinite Love.
The “yes” of My Mother is the “yes” that is repeated at this instant in each of my children, those who like her say “yes” to our Divine Will. The greatest Teacher of the path to Me is My Mother, the Woman clothed with the Sun, who undertook the path of holiness of My People before the instant in which I entrusted Humanity to Her. She loved you first.
My Mother acts with such gentleness and delicacy in the transformation of souls that no human creature can say that My Mother burst into their life by force, but rather with great Love. My Mother asks you to take Her hand and to walk together towards true happiness.
My mother pronounced Her “yes” with freedom, the same freedom that I have requested from you, My People, so that everyone becomes an echo of My Mother’s “yes”, masking the voices of evil that want to replace the one who will crush the head of Satan.
My beloved People, I want all to believe and come to the knowledge of the truth; just as My Mother continued to be a Virgin after childbirth, so She continues to be the Queen and Mother of all creation and in the end Her Immaculate Heart will triumph.
Our Trinity has given her various names throughout the world, including “Our Lady of the End Times”, but given the grandeur of this instant in which my people must continue being faithful and loving in obedience to My Mother - woman of Faith, Surrender, Obedience, who does not tire of warning My People, as a faithful Disciple, our Trinity grants her the title of:
so that humanity would recognize in Her the Woman who Will overcome evil and crush the head of the infernal serpent and chain him so that he does not come back to seduce men again.
History of the Invocation
Luz de Maria shares her mystical experience when the The Most Holy Virgin Mary gives her this Invocation.
On August 25, 2006, during player, our Beloved Mother presented herself, with her love, and innate tenderness, She said to me:
“Beloved daughter, Divine Love is poured out once again over humanity, I donate Myself to humanity with the invocation that brings together all My Invocations as Mother of all men. This invocation will be known as Queen and Mother of the End Times.”
In that moment, our Mother leaves and immediately presents herself with this Invocation. Surrounded by Angels, She shines more than the sun, so adorned by the Divine Mysteries, that I feel my soul vibrating. I try to observe everything She brings with Her and immediately our Mother says to me:
“My beloved, look at Me, I bring protection to my Son’s People, I bring shelter and most importantly, in My Womb I present to you My Son, in the Eucharistic Sacrament, center of life and nourishment for My children.”

The golden Eucharist shines in a special way, and I feel it satiating me and penetrating me spiritually. She begins the explanation of Her Invocation, and indulged in her Maternal Mystery, hours go by while She describes everything involving Her Invocation.
On my knees, thankful for everything Our Mother told me, I immediately communicate with a sister so she can draw a sketch of every single detail I saw, and thus have an initial image. From there one, we began a long search, until we found the artist, designated by Heaven, to depict everything that My Mother revealed to me for these times when we need all Divine and Maternal help.
Image Description
As Prince of the Heavenly Host I am sent to declare to you:
As children born on the Cross, you wear the emblem of the Cross, which you must never renounce, as the human being’s Salvation is implicit within it. It is the Love of Christ that is given to his children through the Cross and therefore also through the Queen and Mother of the End Times. Saint Michael the Archangel, 01.25.2021

Holy Spirit
Upon My image rests the Holy Spirit, of whom I am Temple and Tabernacle.
My love remains attentive to each one of those who are mine, those who I call to invoke My Mother, the Full of Grace, Advocate of Men, Temple and Tabernacle of My Holy Spirit. My Mother, in whom My People will find refuge in the instants of pain, My Mother, the one who remained at the foot of My Cross like those who truly love Me. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 24.03.2013
I have come to each generation to clarify My Word, I have not come alone, I have come with My Mother whom so many scorn, ignoring that She is:
The intercessor before me,
My Father’s favored one,
The one who is Temple and Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit. And how can you invoke the Holy Spirit in you if you only love that which is His gifts and scorn She who is His Temple and Tabernacle? Love My Mother, beyond what you love Her, She is the Defender of My People, to Her I have entrusted My Church, and the one who does not cling to Her Protection/Help, is like the one who walks with a band over his eyes - he will walk but will always find obstacles in his path.
Our Lord Jesus Christ, 08.23.2013

United in prayer:
Most Holy Trinity, thank you for having given us the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen and Mother of the End Times, give us a pure and faithful heart to invoke Her with full consciousness saying:
“Hail Mary Most Pure, Conceived without sin, Daughter of God The Father, Mother of God The Son, Temple and Tabernacle of The Holy Spirit. Mary Most Holy, pray for the whole World.” Amen. Our Lord Jesus Christ, 06.03.2010
Promises around this Invocation
God's promises are always fulfilled because He is faithful and therefore, we can trust that He will fulfill everything He has said.
"God is not a mere mortal to lie and change his mind.
Does he not deliver on what he promises and carry out what he says?" Num. 23,19
Our Queen and Mother of the End Times has told us on countless occasions that it is urgent that we have confidence in the Promises given to us by Heaven and make them our own, and today with this New Marian Invocation she gives us the following:
As Mother and Queen of the end times, I will not abandon you, I will be the shadow that follows each person, under the protection of the Celestial Legions that will accompany you in the great battle of good against evil.
A Mother warns Her children and does not cause them to fear but, speaks to them with the Truth out of love for Her own. Under the protection of the Most High the People of My Son will be triumphant. No weapon forged will succeed in overcoming the children of God. Do not fear, as I am here." The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 06.27.2018
As Queen and Mother of the End Times I give you:
My Heart, so that you would be protected in My Son ...
My Eyes, so that you would see good and want conversion ...
My Rays of light, so that the latter would reach all Humanity ...
My Feet, so that you would be faithful to the path of conversion and not stop under the I call you to look at the Earth so that you would understand its value and so that each
peace among the Peoples ...
I offer you My Holy Rosary, because without prayer you cannot reach God ...
sun, nor under the water ... person would seek to bring
Children of My Immaculate Heart, persevere, do not falter, do not forget that My Immaculate Heart will triumph and that I as Queen and Mother of the End Times intercede for each one of My children, even if you do not ask Me.
I do not rest My children, I am Queen and Mother and I rescue the greatest Number of souls, for the Divine Glory; I therefore call you to be love, to maintain faith, hope and to be charitable, without allowing despair to take away your tranquility. Do not fear, I am here, I am your Mother and I love you, I intercede for you. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 08.30.2018
CRY OUT so that you would unite in prayer and so that, in prayer, you would trust that you are not helpless, but are guarded by My Celestial Legions. Our Queen and Mother of the End Times holds you on Her Maternal Lap. You are the apple of God's eye (Dt 32:10). Saint MIchael the Archangel, 25.02.2023
Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, continue without fear: Our Queen and Mother of the End Times protects you from evil. Be worthy children of the King, be worthy of Motherly Love. Saint Michael the Archangel, 23.01.2023