I am Queen and Mother of the End Times
The Maternal Love of the Blessed Virgin Mary keeps each one of Her children sheltered and protected, calling us to conversion and announcing the instant we are living. Let us allow Our Mother to keep us within Her Immaculate Heart. She says to us:
I am Queen and Mother of the End Times…
Of that in which you are living and which seems so mangled, leading most of Humanity to look at life without respect, a fruit of man's estrangement from God. And when the human creature turns away from God, it becomes lost within the worldliness and sin that is offered to it, and at this instant man, unprotected by his conscience and discernment, falls into licentiousness and forgets God, falling into the hands of the evil oppressor. 07.02.2018
I am Queen and Mother of the End Times…
and I continue leading you to My Son so that you are not Lost, but may be faithful in fulfilling the Commandments and the Teachings of My Son. 07.30.2018
Loving Call
Our Queen and Mother insistently cries out for us to awaken our conscience and to accept with love Her Call:
As Queen and Mother of the End Times, before My Son’s People, I insist again so that, in a single heart, all taken by the hand worldwide, we would together form a wall fortified by Faith, Hope, and Charity.
You should be meek, My children, meek ... And thank the Father for being His children, welcome the Redemption that My Son offers you and be true bearers of the Holy Spirit.
As Queen and Mother of the End Times I say to each one of you:
Be invincible fighters, do not be followers of modernism; if the Commandments could be reformed, this would have been clarified in Sacred Scripture from the beginning, and the Father would have established norms in this regard, but it is not so; reality weighs on some, but the Truth weighs more than some people think. My children have to accept the Divine Command and adore the Cross of My Son, since they maintain themselves in It, and should beseech the Holy Spirit not to depart from you: you should love one another, you should be one single heart. 08.20.2018

God's Envoy
He is presented by the Queen and Mother of the End Times
In the history of Salvation, God has always intervened at every stage in favor of His faithful and this is how He has blessed this Generation with a special creature, to whom He has endowed with a particular anointing to help His People in the most difficult moments and today is presented by the Queen and Mother of the End Times...
My children, as Mother I bless you, as Mother I offer you My Love and My Heart so that you would enter into it, and as Queen and Mother of the End Times I ask that each one of you would be that child whom the Father's Hand protects and is born from the Hand of the Father as His creator, representing the Holy Remnant. Do not forget Our beloved Angel of Peace who will come to present Himself to Humanity once the Antichrist is subjecting the People of My Son, so that he would not be confused with the Antichrist.
Today I present the Angel of Peace to humanity..
A new creature, a creature instructor by the Most Holy Trinity, a creature who, in the likeness of John, the Baptist, Will cry out even in the desert of this generation so that you would return to and continue the path towards Salvation. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 08.20.2018
You are loved by Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.... You are so beloved that Her Divine Son is sending His Angel of Peace to accompany you, to open the way for you and to keep you attentive to the Law of God so that you would not go astray. Saint Michael the Archangel. 06.18.2022

Apostles of the End Times
Our Queen and Mother guides to Her Divine Son and to the final Triumph, the Apostles of the End Times who are those where "the Divine Will, will be fulfilled on Earth as it is in Heaven".
I hold all of you by My Hand who want me to guide you to My Son; as My Son's first Disciple, He has called Me to be the Queen and Mother of the End Times and therefore to guide the Apostles of the End Times.
As apostles you must work without rest, knowing that evil does not rest and rages against souls to increase its spoils. You need to know how to recognize the signs of this instant in which you see how My Revelations are coming to their fulfillment in every aspect of human life.
The Apostles of the end times are not a select group but are those human beings who convert and commit to living in the Trinitarian Will, being one more voice that rises up to wake up your brothers and sisters before they fall prey to the nets of evil.
Apostles of the end times, strengthen one another, love with Divine Love and forgive with true love, that same love which My Son entrusted to you.
Make humanity wonder with My Son's love, My Son's Forgiveness, My Son's Sacrifice, My Son's Charity, My Son's Kindness, My Son's Hope. Be faithful fulfillers of the Trinitarian Will, pray with the heart. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 12.06.2018

Holy Remnant
The Holy Remnant awaits together with the Queen and Mother for Her Lord and Her God.
Our Queen and Mother of the end times guides, instructs and protects the Holy Remnant, upon whom Her Divine Son will pour all His Love so that they may continue faithful in the midst of the Great Purification and be victorious in the end.
My children, as Mother I bless you, as Mother I offer you My Love and My Heart so that you would enter into it, and as Queen and Mother of the End Times I ask that each one of you would be that child whom the Father's Hand protects and is born from the Hand of the Father as His creator, representing the Holy Remnant. The Most Holy Virgin Mary, 08.20.2018
Saint Michael the Archangel, chief of the Heavenly Militia,
together with the Queen and Mother of the End Times, defends the Holy Remnant until the Final Triumph...
With greater strength, humanity will regain the spirituality it has lost and will be renewed. Therefore, do not fear purification: pray and keep the Faith, so that as the Faithful Remnant you might be freed by Divine Love and the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of our Queen and Mother. Saint Michael the Archangel, 09.05.2020